Just for funzies today I took the Myers Briggs personality test to see what personality type I am. I know I've taken it at least once before but I could never remember what type I am. Turns out I'm an INFJ (Introverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, Judging) Type. At first I was all, "Duh fuck" but as I read on, most of it actually seemed to line up pretty well.
In poking around the interwebs a little, I found that INFJ types are referred to as the "counselor" type or something similar pretty frequently ("idealist" was in there a bit, too). A few sources said it's a rare/the rarest personality type, but the numbers varied; one said one percent of the population, another said about three percent. Pretty much across the board the consensus is that INFJ types are helpers and natural listeners. I don't know how well I actually help, but if there's one thing I can do, it's listen. This type is commonly very private and unlikely to share innermost thoughts or feelings except with loved ones. That one definitely matches me; I have a small selection of people I can talk to about most things, but no one I tell absolutely everything. It's not that I feel I can't, I just don't feel the need to share some things. I would not, however, say that I have a "mysterious, intricately woven personality" (whaddya know, I'm the Doctor!). I'm certainly no Margo Roth Spiegelman. Maybe I should start wearing a cape.
There's a whole paragraph about working well with others and desiring harmony and cooperation. Pretty accurate. I do my best to get along with people, especially those I'm around all the time (like coworkers). If I don't get along with someone, I'm civil and try to distance myself from them because it doesn't mean one of us is a bad person, it just means we're a little too different and there's no reason for either of us to suffer because of it. Unfortunately, that makes it ridiculously frustrating when I'm forced to be around someone I don't get along with, as we saw in all four years of my high school experience. I don't like making waves. I am SUCH a Hufflepuff. I like to pretend I'm a Gryffindor, but I'm pretty sure there's badger blood in me.
"Blessed with vivid imaginations." I can attest to that. However, I hardly think anyone who knows me would describe me as "poetical" the way this article does because my prettier thoughts are generally the ones I keep under wraps along with my emotions. I figure, my emotions are happening inside and they can stay there, for all I care. I don't need to go out on a street corner with a bullhorn and divulge my every woe to the general public. I am perfectly aware of the fact that that makes me a huge hypocrite because I hate it when people don't trust me enough to talk to me. But it does make some sort of twisted sense; I've always been a good secret-keeper because if I don't tell my own secrets, why should I tell yours? Along with intuition, the article says, comes "a whole array of psychic phenomena." I wish. Psychic dreams run in my family and seem to have stopped at me. Poo.
I will disagree with the article when it says INFJ types make good parents. Maybe others do, but I certainly wouldn't. For one, I wouldn't be comfortable talking to them until they're about 8 years old. Below that you have to do that condescending, high-pitched talk and I refuse to do that.
All the articles that I found say that INFJ types make good teachers, so at least I'm on the right track there. Self-expression comes more easily on paper and we tend to have good writing skills--definitely true. It's becoming clearer why I was so drawn to the symbolism of the giraffe when I got my tattoo; the ability to stand tall and see ahead with clarity while still remaining grounded and down-to-earth. It never hurts to have your head in the clouds sometimes as long as your feet are still on the ground. Unless you're on a broomstick, in which case it will be a much better experience if your whole body goes along.
So I guess what I've learned is that I like listening and don't feel like sharing my innermost feelings. Tell me something I don't know.
And my head told my heart, let love grow / But my heart told my head, this time no / This time, no. -Winter Winds, Mumford & Sons