Saturday, January 26, 2013

Something About Stoked

Song of the Day: Alexander's Ragtime Band

Remember that time I never post here anymore ever?

I'm going to attribute that lapse, like everything else, to my deadzors laptop last month. 

Man. All the exciting things happened in December and I'm not in a foul mood so I'm not sure what to write about.

Maybe the fact that I'm not in a foul mood. I think that's fairly ground-breaking to someone who only reads my blog, which is no one. But still.

I feel like I was really miserable a lot of the time during fall quarter, particularly at the beginning of it. And I know why, and it seemed ridiculous, but apparently that's just what happens when you make Emma feel feelings. That's something I avoided for a very long time.

But now life is really good. It's not ideal, nor should it ever be (because then what the hell are you alive for?). But I'm in a good mood most of the time, and it feels awesome that my default setting is no longer Grump. I can see myself improving on the cello, which is very nice. I feel like if I get a sub-par seat in orchestra it might not matter QUITE as much this quarter because I'm more focused on solo stuff and my chamber group; not that I'll be totally okay with it, but it will feel less like I worked tirelessly and got nothing for it. We shall see.

What is turning into our annual trip to Disneyland is almost fully set. Still need to get the park passes, but we have the other important stuff. And I think that even after that I'll be able to make it through the summer in relative comfort; I may even be able to afford a few summer classes! Thank youuuu, cheap-ass house in an inconvenient location! I REALLY want to take classes this summer; it will serve the dual purpose of getting grad requirements out of the way and keeping me busy, which I think we can all agree is a very good thing. I just really want to get GURs done so I can focus on becoming an awesome teacher and musician. Plus it'll force me to go outside, which is also good. You know, in moderation. 
Now I just have to wait for them to post the schedule. Hrm.

Okay I just got excited about this so I'm gonna go build my potential spring schedule. Smile and be awesome.

Desire and ambition fuel this heart / So take a breath and step into the light / Everything will be alright / This could all be yours someday. -This Could All Be Yours Someday, Guster

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