Thursday, July 21, 2011

Is It Narcissism If Someone Else Said It First?

Song of the Day: Up The Wolves by The Mountain Goats

Just for funzies today I took the Myers Briggs personality test to see what personality type I am. I know I've taken it at least once before but I could never remember what type I am. Turns out I'm an INFJ (Introverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, Judging) Type. At first I was all, "Duh fuck" but as I read on, most of it actually seemed to line up pretty well.

In poking around the interwebs a little, I found that INFJ types are referred to as the "counselor" type or something similar pretty frequently ("idealist" was in there a bit, too). A few sources said it's a rare/the rarest personality type, but the numbers varied; one said one percent of the population, another said about three percent. Pretty much across the board the consensus is that INFJ types are helpers and natural listeners. I don't know how well I actually help, but if there's one thing I can do, it's listen. This type is commonly very private and unlikely to share innermost thoughts or feelings except with loved ones. That one definitely matches me; I have a small selection of people I can talk to about most things, but no one I tell absolutely everything. It's not that I feel I can't, I just don't feel the need to share some things. I would not, however, say that I have a "mysterious, intricately woven personality" (whaddya know, I'm the Doctor!). I'm certainly no Margo Roth Spiegelman. Maybe I should start wearing a cape.
There's a whole paragraph about working well with others and desiring harmony and cooperation. Pretty accurate. I do my best to get along with people, especially those I'm around all the time (like coworkers). If I don't get along with someone, I'm civil and try to distance myself from them because it doesn't mean one of us is a bad person, it just means we're a little too different and there's no reason for either of us to suffer because of it. Unfortunately, that makes it ridiculously frustrating when I'm forced to be around someone I don't get along with, as we saw in all four years of my high school experience. I don't like making waves. I am SUCH a Hufflepuff. I like to pretend I'm a Gryffindor, but I'm pretty sure there's badger blood in me.
"Blessed with vivid imaginations." I can attest to that. However, I hardly think anyone who knows me would describe me as "poetical" the way this article does because my prettier thoughts are generally the ones I keep under wraps along with my emotions. I figure, my emotions are happening inside and they can stay there, for all I care. I don't need to go out on a street corner with a bullhorn and divulge my every woe to the general public. I am perfectly aware of the fact that that makes me a huge hypocrite because I hate it when people don't trust me enough to talk to me. But it does make some sort of twisted sense; I've always been a good secret-keeper because if I don't tell my own secrets, why should I tell yours? Along with intuition, the article says, comes "a whole array of psychic phenomena." I wish. Psychic dreams run in my family and seem to have stopped at me. Poo.
I will disagree with the article when it says INFJ types make good parents. Maybe others do, but I certainly wouldn't. For one, I wouldn't be comfortable talking to them until they're about 8 years old. Below that you have to do that condescending, high-pitched talk and I refuse to do that.
All the articles that I found say that INFJ types make good teachers, so at least I'm on the right track there. Self-expression comes more easily on paper and we tend to have good writing skills--definitely true. It's becoming clearer why I was so drawn to the symbolism of the giraffe when I got my tattoo; the ability to stand tall and see ahead with clarity while still remaining grounded and down-to-earth. It never hurts to have your head in the clouds sometimes as long as your feet are still on the ground. Unless you're on a broomstick, in which case it will be a much better experience if your whole body goes along.
So I guess what I've learned is that I like listening and don't feel like sharing my innermost feelings. Tell me something I don't know.

And my head told my heart, let love grow / But my heart told my head, this time no / This time, no. -Winter Winds, Mumford & Sons

Friday, July 1, 2011


Song of the Day: Battery Kinzie by Fleet Foxes

"I shall be sure to say three dull things as soon as I open my mouth, shan't I?"

Sometimes I have days where I just feel really effing dull. Just straight up uninteresting. I don't do anything particularly unique. I'm not especially good at anything. I'm just sort of the short girl with the annoying laugh.
It's not really a desire for attention that feeds my frustration at being average. I think it's more that I feel like I'm wasting people's time. You could be out doing extraordinary things and meeting exciting people, but instead you're spending time in my company. My videos are boring. My stories are boring. My blog is boring. I can't recount stories to save my life; people always end up offering me a sympathy "I-don't-find-that-amusing-but-your-face-tells-me-I'm-supposed-to-crack-up-here" laugh. I had never been mocked or even noted for any weird qualities (except for my strange laugh) until I started working at my job less than a year ago. If I were a color, I like to think I'd be green or red, but I'm pretty sure I'd actually be beige. Not entirely unpleasant, but certainly not exciting.
So what keeps people around me? I've concluded that it comes down to presentation. I get excited about things. All the time. And I think that creates the sense that I'm an exciting person. That's the only thing I can figure.
I'm really bad at starting conversations. Many a time I have sat in silence with someone for minutes at a time until they come up with something to say. Even if I want to talk, I can never think of anything. I'm comfortable with silence, and I think that comes across as indifference or coldness. Not true. Say something and I'll respond. But I'm not about to ask some mindless question like, "What's your favorite movie?"
I'm going to keep this one short because the self-pity is getting to me. It's not even self-pity, really. I'm not unhappy. I'm just...unsettled. I wash my hands of this misfortune! I go now to watch Doctor Who and read The Great Gatsby. So there, universe. TELL ME I'M BORING NOW! #foreveralone

Plus Deathly Hallows Part 2 comes out in two weeks. So that's harrowing.

Some things you'll do for money, and some you'll do for fun / but the things you do for love are gonna come back to you one by one. -Love Love Love, The Mountain Goats

P.S. My sister just came in and suggested watching Harry Potter or Star Wars. I swear she has emotional radar.