Friday, December 16, 2011

Forgot to Post This Last Night

Song of the Day: Mr. Tinman by Lamppost Revival

"Another year, gone."
Welp. I'm 20 now. So that's weird. I definitely don't FEEL old enough to not have "teen" be part of my age. On the plus side, Mike and I are within the same decade now, so it sounds less weird xD
As birthdays go, today was kind of blah. Saw an old family friend who (naturally) crooned over remembering when I was born and not believing I was 20 already. Then I got to go to the hospital--this is the fun part. It was actually the hospital I was born in (inwhichIwasborn). I haven't set foot in it since my birth, but somehow I managed to go back exactly 2 decades later. I was just there for an ultrasound to find out what that weird pain in my side is; the technician didn't scream or anything, so I'm assuming it's nothing horrific. Then again, they usually don't tell you anything at the time, they send it to the doctor and they go over the results with you. So we'll see.
Facebook is funny. People I haven't talked to since high school, some even since middle school, wished me a happy birthday today. Sometimes I think that seems phony because obviously they only know it's my birthday because Facebook told them, but on the flipside they took that information and bothered to drop me a line. So I decided to appreciate it.
Michael made his Tumblr into a sort of birthday card for me. So that was sweet. Thanks dude!
I think today was mostly lame because nobody's home yet. Brett and Abbie are coming home tomorrow night. I am very excited to have them around. Also going to see Mike tomorrow, which will be good.
I really wish I were done with doctors for a while. But I know I'll have to deal with them at least two more times before break is over. Wheeeee.
I don't mean to sound like I'm complaining about my birthday. I'm really not. I got lots of birthday wishes from peeps I love and Skyped with some awesome people. And my mom bought me a milkshake. So that was good. Um. Yes. The end.

But through failure I'll proceed / And she'll see how far I've come. -Speak, Nickel Creek


  1. The not feeling like you're not a teen anymore lasts for awhile. I'm still there. My twentieth birthday caused me a minor crisis, which provided a nice dividing line for my mind I guess, but my instinct still thinks I'm a teenager.

    I hope your medical woes aren't anything too serious.

  2. Yeah, I know I'll get over it eventually. And I appreciate the concern, but it's nothing exciting. Just irksome ;)
