Friday, March 16, 2012

But I Am Le Tired

Song of the Day: I Will Go Anywhere With You by Julia Nunes

You know when it's REALLY awesome to sleep super poorly? The night before you have two finals -.- Luckily they are music theory finals, and I know pretty much exactly how I'm going to do one both (or did; I already took one of them). I'm just grumpy because I got to bed late last night and feel like I was awake more often than I was asleep during the night. And I've gotten plenty of sleep the rest of this week, but it would have been REALLY nice to get a decent amount last night because I will be getting very little for the next week.
That being said, the reason I won't be getting much is because I'll be traveling to Disneyland, so I can't really complain =p It is rainy and windy and cold here, and in California it will at least be not windy and less cold. So that's a win in my book. I'd go to Disneyland in a damn hurricane. And hey, less-than-perfect weather conditions make for shorter lines.
I don't really have anything earth-shattering to say. I'm mostly just blogging to keep myself awake until my next final. I don't think my coffee did anything but make me have to pee. Then I'll go home and have laundry/packing to keep me busy and awake. I sound so whiny. I'm really not unhappy. Just a wee bit cranky because of my sleepiness. But my hair is freshly red and my nails are freshly purple, there's that...
I should mosey off to my last final pretty soon. It's my written music theory exam, which I feel pretty confident on(inbytoforaboutofat). I'm sure there will be an obnoxious post-Disneyland blog next week.
A pirate's life is a wonderful life, a-rovin' over the sea / give me a career as a buccaneer, it's the life of a pirate for me / OH! the life of a pirate for me! / A pirate's life is a wonderful life, they never bury your bones / for when it's all over, a jolly sea rover drops in on his friend Davy Jones / OH! his very good friend Davy Jones! -A Pirate's Life, Peter Pan (I quoted that from memory and feel pretty good about myself for that)