Friday, July 13, 2012

Why am I so bummed

I have absolutely no right to be this bummed

And I'm taking it out on people I love

I don't know how I got to such a bad place

I decided to stop drinking for a bit because drinking when I'm sad is bad news

And now I keep getting cravings for shitty food because I eat my feelings

But I have Catholic levels of guilt when it comes to food

And I just really need to be okay because Mike needs me right now.

This whomps.


  1. If you're bummed you have the right to be bummed. I know that the worst kind of sadness is the type you don't feel is justified and then it's just a circle of sadness about being sad. I think you and I probably handle sadness in similar ways. Telling people how you're feeling isn't really an option, because having someone feeling bad about you or worried about you would just make you feel worse. I also really don't like people feeling sympathy for my moods; I just find it patronizing. Like, just because I'm in a bad mood you're going to treat me like a child.

    Emma Burbank, I love you lots and lots and I don't like that you're sad, but I would never want you to deny your feelings. If you're sad, be sad and don't feel guilty about it. It's not selfish or mean to be sad. It is just being sad and that is okay.

  2. ^This. The things he says. Them. Read them. And things will be okay. Because of you and I and love :)
