Monday, July 16, 2012

Thought Organization: Ignore

This is just me organizing the rest of my summer because I can't QUITE do it within the confines of my brain.

-Visit home - wedding planning, dress alterations, Dark Knight Rises?
-Move Mike's stuff to Eugene
-Move apartment stuff to house
-Move Mike to Eugene

-Stay in Eugene / get Mike settled
-Go to Ashland, try not to be stressed about the fact that his parents paid for the trip
-Possibly stop in Portland on the way home?
-Steph's bridal shower (what do you get your sister for her bridal shower??)
-Drive to Redding with Steph to visit grandpa
-Get Mike's birthday present in there somewhere

-Practice face off
-Get pieces up to par for re-audition into symphony
-Refresh theory and piano abilities
-Figure out buses to and from school
-Get Mike's belated birthday gift to him
-Finish Maid of Honor toast oh my god have you seriously not done that yet??

-Do not get over-stressed about things because everything is fine and everyone is okay and life is really great most of the time and remember that time things were boring and how much that sucked?

1 comment:

  1. You should add a '-freak out/talk with/vent at Abbie' to all of those months. Because of reasons. :)
