Sunday, July 8, 2012

Ranty Blawg

Song of the Day: Lookout for Yourself by Julia Nunes

Disclaimer: I am not genuinely upset by the subject of my following rant. Momentarily annoyed, perhaps.

I am pretty much bored to tears so I figured, why not write a blog entry that no one will read?

I get weirdly touchy about Emily and Jake's relationship. Like, how affectionate they are in front of other people. I feel like I SHOULD think that's lovely and adorable and really great, but it annoys the crap out of me. I'm in a very good relationship, so it's not a bitterness thing. And I hate PDA, so it's not like I wish I got more public action. So what bugs me?

I feel like there's a weird bubble around them. Like they don't realize how FUCKING ridiculous they're being. They just flop all over each other and he can't walk by her without leaning down for a kiss and it sounds stupid as I'm saying it but it's just sort of unpleasant to be around. Mostly/especially when I'm the only other one in the house, because they act like I'm not here, or they don't care that I am, or they wish I weren't. Sorry, I'm not retreating to the confines of my room so you two can REALLY go at it. You can go to YOUR room for that.

I think for me, affection is a really private thing. Like sitting next to each other and being close when other people are around is fine, but save the smooches, nuzzles, fondles, gropes, googly-eyes, foot massages (they do that one with weird frequency), and other uncomfortable-to-watch things for behind closed doors. When they do it around me, I'm suddenly intruding on a really intimate moment without intending to do so. They're over a year into their relationship, so it's not like they're in a honeymoon stage. I would be fine with that, it happens to everyone. I think things will cool down once they've lived together for a little bit and aren't over the fucking moon every time they're in the same room together. I'm glad they're happy, I really am. And that's why I don't say anything. Because I know they're just excited to be moving in together and all lovey-dovey about it. And they'll relax after a while once they realize that they can spend time together whenever they want, and they don't have to be touching each other with at least 40% of their bodies at ALL TIMES.

It's like smart phones. I don't use mine when I'm having meals with people or supposed to be conversing with them because I've been on the other end of that one one too many times. I don't like participating in PDA because I've been made uncomfortable by it a BUNCH of times. Intimacy is called that for a reason. If you do it (excessively) when other people are around, it just feels like you're doing it to be a showboating asshat, not because it's genuine. It's no less meaningful if no one is watching.

We'll go walkin' but nobody's talkin' / 'cause everything just seems clear. -Song for Lauren by The Harmed Brothers