Sunday, August 21, 2011

Beauty is Bullshit. And Not.

Song of the Day: Folsom Prison Blues by Johnny Cash

The other day, out of curiosity, I searched "beautiful" on Tumblr and the results were both fascinating and horrifying. Landscapes, dramatic storms, flowers, Emma Watson, Lindsay Lohan, 6-inch high heels covered in metal studs, beaches, Miley Cyrus, animals, their best friends, themselves. Beauty is so incredibly subjective. For example, Angelina Jolie is generally considered to be unbelievably beautiful. I think she's lovely, but honestly I think it's the fact that she looks slightly strange that hooks people in. It's her eyes. And when she accentuates them with dramatic makeup, she takes on a sort of exotic look and it translates to "beautiful." I personally think she looks much more beautiful when she sports a softer look.
That's just one example. But what we consider beautiful affects the way we behave. That difference is what makes one person have no problem with clear-cutting trees while another chains themselves to one in order to save them. It's what makes someone throw paint on a woman wearing fur.
Somehow that leads me back to yesterday's post; I love the countryside so much, but I don't think I could live that far away from people. Even in a small town. One of the things I love so much about where I live now is that I could make a day trip out of anything I want: city, mountains, forest, ocean, country. I don't think I could be removed from all of that. I don't even know my head from my ass if I can't locate the water.
I don't know where I'm going with this. As usual, I don't have a point. Or if I do, I can't articulate it. This is why I can't do "Thoughts from Places" style videos.
I think this is why I don't normally blog every day. I don't always have things to say. So when I try to say them anyway it just comes out all "herpa derp herp the derpa von herpington." I should probably go do things with my life; a phrase which here means, "play cello until I get frustrated and go for a walk at some point."
This short and disjointed post brought to you by the number 21 and the letter E.

Though I'd like to look down on the Earth from above / I would miss all the places and people I love / So although I might like it for one afternoon / I don't want to live on the moon. -Ernie and Aaron Neville (just a Sesame Street kind of day I guess)

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