Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Comb Your Hair, Pretend You're Sober

Song of the Day: You Can Call Me Al by Paul Simon

I love days like today. I actually went outside and acted like a citizen. I woke up pretty late (oops) and went to lunch with my sister. Now, I'm a little person, but normally I can eat pretty well. For some reason, I couldn't even conquer a turkey melt. It was DELICIOUS, but way too much food. I didn't even end up having dinner because I was still so full from it.
Anyway, we took a walk around Green Lake (not realizing just how warm it was until we were about half way around) and then I dropped her off before taking mine and my dad's ballots to a local ballot box (that's where the "being a citizen" bit comes in). I then came home, learned Hank Green's "Shake-a-Booty" dance, filmed it and sent him the clip to use in the music video. But was my day over? NAY.
Abbie and I decided to try out a new frozen yogurt joint in town. We definitely weren't the only ones with that idea. But I can see why. You get to choose what size cup you want (big or bigger) and then there are a zillion levers in the wall and you can get your own, so you get exactly as much as you want and you can combine it any way you choose. Then there's a topping bar (aside from fruit, they have cookie dough bits and freaking cereal. Cinnamon Toast Crunch, for crying out loud!!). There's a scale attached to the cash register so you plunk the finished product down on that, then they charge you by the weight of it. And the price was pretty decent. I got mango yogurt with strawberries and a few Peachie-Os. Muy tasty.
We ended up playing a bit of a game we have. The rules are simple: she tells me when and where to turn. It's fun because we get to see bits of our town that we haven't seen, and always find ourselves saying, "Oh, we're HERE? I know where we are NOW!" I took us through a super creepy neighborhood with absolutely NO lights anywhere. We managed to avoid picking up ghosts though, so...go team. Eventually we just drove to Seattle, across it and right back out again. Basically we drove around it. But it's nice, just to drive. Sometimes we talk, other times we don't need to so much. One of the big things I'm going to miss when I'm at school is driving.
There is one high heel in my room. It's been here for ages and I haven't the foggiest idea where it came from. I have never owned a high-heeled shoe. Can't walk in them. I nearly went to prom in Chucks.
So that was my day. Not too shabby, in my opinion.

Also, 4-1 today? Gotta love my boys in green.

I got marbles in my mouth / A thousand words I wanna say but it's impossible to spit 'em out / I can barely make a sound. -Do You Love Me, Guster

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