Monday, August 15, 2011

Oh, Youtube

Song of the Day: The Captain by Guster

This Saturday, the 20th, is going to be my one-year YouTube-iversary. That's super weird. I'm still the awkward new kid. I've uploaded 36 videos over this past year.
Sometimes I feel like I have things to say, but then I sit down in front of the camera and nothing happens. Some of the people I watch are primarily there to be funny (like Hayley Hoover and Michael Buckley), and they do a wonderful job. People like John and Hank and Rosianna manage to not only update us on their lives (which they somehow made us care about) but they also seem to have a point every time. That's what keeps people coming back and watching their videos. The videos ends and we're left with something to think about. I feel like that's something that my videos are missing, that crucial element that makes them more than just a girl ranting about her first world problems.
I don't like to upload videos just for the sake of doing so, and I so often lack creative ideas for them. I'm hoping that school (both the classes and just being around people) will kickstart my brain and I'll be able to make some decent quality videos. It's interesting that my most-viewed video (that wasn't pimped by Kayley or a response to someone else) was a short one in which I basically said, "Don't let other people's opinions shape yours. Take pride in your personality." At the time I was a little hesitant about posting it because it felt cheesy and overdone. But I think things like that don't really get old as long as you mean it. Which I did.
One thing I really love about putting content out there is starting to recognize usernames. When I see comments from the same person consistently, it reminds me that someone is loyal and trusts the quality enough to watch everything I post. That makes me feel like I'm talking to more than just a camera, which is a good feeling.
I don't remember why I started vlogging. I know I wanted to do it since I was 14, but when I initially asked for a decent camera my mom said no because she believes the internet is made of stalkers and rapists. They're definitely out there, but they will generally only get you if you're a dumbass. So when I got my Mac, the built-in iSight was there and I just thought, why the hell not? And I'm glad I did it. There are now people I speak (or rather, type) to that I otherwise wouldn't, people I want to meet that I wouldn't have had any idea existed. It's a very unique community, no matter what level of fame you claim/aspire to.
I feel like I should do something cool for my one-year video. As usual, I lack ideas. Ho hum.

There's certain rules you should obey / Like don't ever FTBA / And now I come to think of it / Let's take the worldsuck down a bit. -Nerdfighteria Island, Hank Green

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