Tuesday, August 30, 2011

My Eyes Are Important, Stop Abusing Them

Song of the Day: Sunrise by Norah Jones

Second to last day, peeps. ALMOST THERE.
I went to the eye doctor today. You know what I really don't enjoy? The machine that blasts air into your eyes. I refuse to believe that in this day and age, they can't find a more comfortable method of testing the pressure in a person's eyes. Then the doctor shined an uncomfortably bright light into my eyes, MULTIPLE TIMES. From MANY ANGLES. Aren't they always telling you NOT to do that??
Zach and Matt (of YouTube fame) are doing a thing in Seattle tomorrow. It turns out I have other plans, but if I didn't I'm still not sure whether I would go. I still sort of feel like an outsider when I hang out with Kayley at things like that. The awkward non-famous kid. I would love to meet them (not because they're famous, but because they seem like genuinely interesting people), but I feel like it might be strange because I know about them and they don't know about me. Of course the only way to change that would be to meet them. I also don't want to seem like I'm using my friendship with Kayley to push my way into that particular ring of friends. I DON'T LIKE TALKING TO NEW PEOPLE.
That's a lie. I do like it. I'm just bad at it. I'm no good at starting conversations. Then I get grouped in with the Awkwards or the Borings and life is bad.
The Sounders are 1 game away from their 3rd US Open Cup Championship! WHUDDUP.
Alllllrighty, I'm getting boring. Until the morrow, then.

I wanna know the absolute quiet of an orchard / And I wanna know how many stars are really in the sky.

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