Saturday, August 13, 2011

There Arose Such A Clatter

Song of the Day: Gone by Lauren Fairweather

All I have at the moment are negative thoughts, and I do NOT want to post ANOTHER negative post. If anyone got all their information about me from my blog, they would probably think I was an incredibly angsty and unpleasant person. Which is why I generally keep this blog on the hush-hush.
My numbers at work sucked so I don't have any hours this week. Exactly how am I supposed to get them back up if I'm not at work? Basically my job makes me feel like I'm not worth shit. I know that isn't true.
None of my go-to Hug Providers are home. And the mutual comfort of a hug would be really nice.
My parents are watching Order of the Phoenix on TV; I was there when they started, and there wasn't much else on they wanted to see. I don't even want to watch it because I'm not in the mood to watch Sirius die. Also I'm reminded of why people say this is the worst film. I generally say POA is the worst because they completely fail to explain the relevance of the Marauders and Daniel can't act yet and the entire set changes, but this one is pretty bad too. Harry doesn't need to go spend Christmas visiting Mr. Weasley in the hospital, he can go straight to Occlumency. WHAT. I don't know. I'm grumpy and annoying right now. I'm cutting myself off.
Moonlight Serenade will now forever remind me of Doctor Who.
I really wish I were old enough to legally have a nice stiff drink.

Edit: Also, they never explain thestrals. OH ONLY NEVILLE, LUNA AND HARRY CAN SEE THEM. KOOL. I mean siriusly.
I can't let myself keep adding things wrong with it, the list will never end xD
Last edit: OKAY last thing: I really love that Dumbledore calls Voldemort "Tom." I always have. It's so simple, but SO powerful. Every time he calls him that, it reminds Voldemort that he is human. By using that name, Dumbledore is saying that Voldemort, deep down, is a mortal man like anyone else, and that he has seen him as such. It takes everything Voldemort takes pride in and just waves it away. Whenever I watch the movies I have to remind myself that I love Dumbledore, because Michael Gambon has a way of making me forget that. OKAY SERIOUSLY DONE NOW. NOX.

Thinking so much my crowded head became sore / Fell back into the place I was before / Reasons long enough to not let show / I follow through this once because I said so. -Laughter, Josh Rouse

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