Thursday, August 18, 2011


Song of the Day: Do You Love Me by The Blues Brothers

Well, after hearing about it from le interwebs so darn much, I finally played Quelf tonight. There was only one card/challenge that I opted out of, so yay me. I was probably slightly more reserved than I might normally be because while I was familiar with my sister, her boyfriend, and Steph's high school friend (also named Stephanie), their friend Neil was there and I had never met him. But he was super cool and it didn't take long to be comfortable around him. I think Quelf would make a good ice-breaker game (except that it takes forever); it forces you to be ridiculous and you have to interact with all the other players. It's a good time.
I've noticed that I'm linguistically impressionable. Like if I'm around someone and I like the way they talk, I subconsciously start picking that up. It only takes one episode of "Firefly" for me to start talking like a cowboy.
I feel like I should say more, but not much else happened to me today. And to say any more would be boring and rambly. So methinks I shall leave it here. Consider the short post a Thursday Treat. Especially because I will potentially have some things to say about Western medicine come tomorrow afternoon. Plus I'm slated to have an adventure, which is a very exciting prospect!

I guess I'm just a lucky so and so. -Just A Lucky So and So, Louis Armstrong

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