Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Stay Awake

Song of the Day: Track 08 by The Harmed Brothers (If I had to guess, I'd wager it was called "Walk Home With Me")

Whoa buddy. I am so sleepy. But it is daytime and I do not sleep during the day. Despite resembling a slow loris in perhaps every other way, I am not nocturnal. I shall struggle through my sandpaper eyelids. Sandpaper Eyelids. That would be a good band name. Or a My Chemical Romance song. "Oi'm LUH-king at yo thro, SANDPAYPER EYELEDDS."
I just came up with a really good analogy. So sometimes you'll see a couple that have really similar interests and love all the same things, but it doesn't work out. And people are going, "You're practically the same person, how could you NOT be together?" Similar--even nearly identical--interests are not the same as similar personalities. It's like when you're doing a jigsaw puzzle, and trying to put the sky together. Two pieces can be exactly the same color and it's super frustrating that they don't fit together. They may be the same color, but they are different shapes. They're cut out differently. That may be a terrible analogy. But I'm about as aware as my mother right now (who just had eye surgery and is hopped up on Vicodin). Haha she just said, "I don't know how people do this all the time; like, boxers, getting beat up all the time. It sucks."
I got a ring made out of a guitar string. It's pretty cool, except if I'm not careful there's a pokey end that catches on things. Namely, my favorite jeans which now have a little row of loosened threads that look like teeny arches. Ever really look at jeans? There are a zillion shades of blue that make up medium wash jeans. It's wild.
I left my Sour Patch Watermelon Slices at Abbie's house. It makes me sad. They are so effing delicious.
Can you imagine if people were like animals? If all people were dogs, they would be slightly wary of new people for about ten seconds, and then trust them forever. Everyone would look at everyone else like they were the best people in the world. If everyone were like cats nothing would get done because we would all be waiting for everyone else to do it and wondering why our ears weren't being scratched. Personally, I don't care for having my ears scratched. Although one of my friends does greet me with a friendly little scratch on top of my head, and I don't mind that as much.
My sister and I were talking about how she resented me for a long time because she had to start making her own lunch in second grade, but my mom made mine for me all the way through elementary school. I had no idea. I told her Mom made up for it by never letting me have Gushers. Isn't it funny how packed lunches and lunch at home are in no way similar, unless you have a sandwich for both? Like, I wouldn't go into my kitchen at noon and make a sandwich, then grab a pack of Gushers and a little bowl full of Bugles. Maybe if I had Gushers and Bugles I would. But I don't, so the point is moot.
You know what are delicious? Caramel Bugles. Seriously. Once before orchestra my friend Nicole brought a bag of them, and one of the other cellos ran and got milk from the vending machine, which we poured into the bag and used plastic forks to eat it like cereal. SO good. Except there were four of us and two forks, so one of us would have to take a bite while the other was chewing. Lots of Swine Flu jokes. I miss orchestra.
There's this specific kind of bird whose chirp I associate with mornings (spring and summer mornings, to be specific) and it's always weird to hear them in the evening. It's not like that's unusual, I can hear them every evening. But for whatever reason I'm like, "What you doin'? It ain't morning."
The Court Jester is an excellent film. Pretty much saying that purely for Michael's benefit, because Abbie already knows it's true.
I think my dad likes having real cats. I think he's a cat person in the first place, but our old cat sort of ruined cats for both of us. She was hardly even a cat. She looked like Yoda and a diseased ring-tailed lemur had a horrible, horrible child. I like the new cats though. Sebastian is my special favorite.
I hate riots. Nothing like a good, "You know what will help our situation? Doing everything in our power to alienate the only ones who could help!" I get the anger. I get the frustration. But no is EVER going to want to hear what you have to say after you've burned down a city. You just screwed your entire side into the ground. I think they make no distinction between "riot" and "revolution." I do. To me, a riot is when frustrated people go around haphazardly burning and pillaging with no regard to who is being hurt. Revolution is when truly downtrodden people decide to stand up to oppressor and make it clear that they will take no more mistreatment. So basically it's a worthiness of cause distinction for me. And to me, the London (I guess it's beyond just London now, isn't it?) riots do not display a worthy cause.
What is post. I'm not going to go proofread this, because if I see what I've written I'll never post it. So sleepy. Sun only just setting. Can't waste daytime. Will read book if possible. Sentence.

Stay awake, don't rest your head / Don't lie down upon your bed / While the moon drifts in the skies / Stay awake, don't close your eyes. -Stay Awake, "Mary Poppins" (even though I'm listening to Harry Connick, Jr.'s version)


  1. Uhm, do more posts like this please.

    PS This Michael kid needs to culturize (totes a word) himself to the majestic ways and art of Danny Kaye. AKA Watch 'The Court Jester'.

    Also, if you like, I shall save the watermelon slices for you if you come get them before Friday. Though I might steal a couple. :)

